The Foundation has four distinct programs derived from the 4 main eligible fields.. The selection of a specific program will be dependent on the needs of the targeted community as well as available resources. criteria to guide in deciding on a particular program to undertake
1. WASH {Water, sanitization and Health} PROGRAM
The foundation shall undertake a WASH program aimed at the following:
- Water: To provide clean and accessible water for all such as borehole projects.
- Sanitization: To ensure clean environment in visited environments. This can be done using organized cleaning exercise; education and recycling of waste products, donation of cleaning items etc.
- Health: Organize free health screening and checkup for people; education on good health practices; various exercises spanning from competitive games; health walk and body exercise tips.
The foundation shall embark on a vocational training aimed at enhancing the skills of people and to create jobs. This is to help reduce unemployment and its associated vices in a given community. This shall be a one off training with needed start up equipment provided to trainers to set up their own business. Training to be considered under this includes soap making, hand sanitizers, bead making among others.
In collaborating with other stakeholders, the foundation shall undertake seminars and projects targeted at guiding the decisions of the youth in their career choices, Projects on education such as donation of school items or construction related with more focus on STEM.
This is a RURAL YOUTH MENTORING program is also dubbed YOUTH FOR RELEVANCE. The Morning Dew Foundation seeks to implement a youth mentorship programmed targeted at young people who are located within the zones of evangelical outreach (ZOEs) within the wider Morning dew Ministry context. This seeks to undertake intentional platforms that will promote interactions between young boys and girls in JHS as well as SHS in these deprived areas to develop their agency to be leaders of self and society. The program will focus on Academic, Career, Talent and other Leadership development initiatives.
The uniqueness of the mentorship programme of the foundation is identified in the proactive nature of our approach of engaging and encouraging the youth who are usually located within the rural settings of Ghana with very high poverty prevalence. Thus, as the Morning Dew wider ministry through their outreaches identifies these young people, the Foundation takes a strategic stance to provide targeted mentoring response to their needs that is context appropriate.