The Jesus Miracle Campaign (JMC) is the outreach wing of the Morning Dew Family. JMC partners with Christian churches and organizations to plan and organize Crusades where the Gospel is preached and the Lord confirms His word with miracles, signs and wonders.
Since 2000, the Ministry has held several outreaches and crusades both in Ghana and Nigeria. The Open Air Gospel Crusades began in Nigeria, where the President of the Ministry served as a Missioner in the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Abeokuta, Ogun State. During his stay in Abeokuta, crusades were held at Orile Ilugun, Orile Imo, Osiele, Alakpako Oni, and Abeokuta. The Lord through the team, healed the sick and saved the lost.
The JMC outreaches are funded by the Morning Dew Family- Ghana and it partners. We do not intend to burden the local churches with financial demands towards the crusade. However any support willingly provided in any form – cash or kind, will be appreciated.